Electro Polishing
Electropolishing is a chemical surface- finishing technique by which metal is electrolytically removed, ion by ion, from the surface of a metal object. The primary objective is to minimize micro- roughness, thus dramatically reducing the risk of dirt or product residues adhering and improving the cleanability of surfaces. Electropolishing is also used for deburring, brightening and passivating.
Commercial applications for electropolishing have been in use since the early 1960’s. Electropolishing is a process by which metal is removed from a work piece by passage of electric current while the work is submerged in a specially-designed solution.
The process exposes an undisturbed, metallurgically clean surface. Possible unwanted effects of mechanical surface treatment–mechanical and thermal stress, embedding of particles and surface roughening are avoided or reversed. The inherent corrosion-resistance of a given stainless steel grade is fully used. For these reasons,Electropolishing has become a common treatment for stainless steel in industries in which corrosion-resistance and cleanability requirements are particularly high. Typical applications are found in the pharmaceu- tical, biochemical and food-processing industries.
Since electropolishing involves no mechanical, thermal or chemical impact, small and mechanically fragile parts can be treated. Electropolishing can be applied to parts of almost any shape or size.
There are two types of Electropolishing facility.:
- Direct electropolishing
- Electropolishing after mechanical polishing